Friday, September 2, 2016


Hello Everyone!

I'm Olivia and the creation of this blog itself already seems to be reflecting my life. My relationship with writing is active and yet typically private- solely for myself to read. In this blog, I hope to explore topics of curiosity to me, share some of my art (why not?), or maybe just pen (or type I guess) about my day. Thanks for reading and happy writing!


  1. Yeah! You found your way here! I love your title and your background!

  2. Can't wait to see what you're going to write about, I've always felt that you have a great talent that I've been wanting to look into. Also, definitely agree with your title.

    -Ashley Gecewicz

  3. Olivia! I am so excited to read your blog. You always have really interesting things to say in class so I know you'll be the same way on your blog. I am curious to see what you will share during the free posts. Can't wait to see!

    Allison Hoyland
